Saturday, February 15, 2014

Love Your Heart

Happy Valentines Day, Kidney Warriors! February is American Heart Month!  Heart  disease, stroke, and high blood pressure are the #1 cause of death in the United States. High blood pressure is also one of the leading causes of chronic kidney disease. This is why it's so important as kidney patients we keep our hearts healthy and our blood pressure under control.  Today I want to share some "heart healthy" tips.

  1. Know your heart health numbers ~ Establish with your doctor your baseline levels for your cholesterol, both good and bad, blood pressure, weight, BMI . Keep a yearly appointment to follow these numbers to make certain your on track.
  2. De~Stress your heart ~ Stress causes increased high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and increases the stress hormone cortisol. Learning to "unplug" from life is one good way to reduce stress. Putting away the electronic devices for at least one hour a day has been proven to reduce stress
  3. Get a heart healthy support system ~ Find an exercise buddy. Having a good support group of family and friends both lowers blood pressure and lowers the risks of heart disease.
  4. STOP SMOKING ~ Smoking is one of major causes of heart disease.
  5. A little alcohol goes along way ~ For women drinking one glass of alcohol a day and for men drinking two glasses of alcohol can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
  6. Strengthening your heart with weight training ~  Reducing your  percentage of body fat, keeping your weight down, increasing your muscle mass, and increasing your aerobic endurance are just some of the benefits of strength training. It also increase your good cholesterol levels.
  7. Reduce your salt intake ~ Reducing your salt intake lowers blood pressure, be certain to read food labels for added sodium especially in prepared food.
  8. Eat a healthy diet ~ Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables at least five servings per day. A diet low in saturated fats, trans fat, cholesterol, and high in fiber.

As you can see many of tips for a healthy heart are also tips for keeping healthy kidneys. Many CKD patients are at risk of heart disease. Heart disease is any cardiovascular disease or CVD that affects the heart and/or blood vessels in the heart. Some complications that often found in patients with CKD can lead to CVD including: anemia, high blood pressure, high calcium and high phosphorus levels, and diabetes. Treating these conditions can lead to an overall healthier life and help you feel better.

On a very personal note I would like to THANK everyone who has given blood. I have needed many, many blood transfusions over the years and without blood donors I don't know where I would be. Please join me during the month of February to raise awareness for heart disease!
Thank you for joining me once again and help me spread the word throughout the month February for American Heart Month. As always I look forward to your questions, comments, or concerns.
Keep on fighting, you Kidney Warriors!
~ Kidney Blogger

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