Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hope, Faith, Love, Organ Donation!

Happy Sunday Kidney Warriors! This upcoming weekend is the National Donor Sabbath and I want to share what it means to me. The last fifteen years I have lived with Chronic Kidney Disease and it has taken an immense toll on my life. It has taken my ability to hold a job and has nearly taken my life. When I was first diagnosed it came out of nowhere, I had no idea what it meant to live the Chronic Kidney Disease. I had no idea the family events I would have to miss, the birthday parties, the Christmas parties and so many other events. It is a disease that can seclude you if you let it. It is a disease that you learn to pick your battles with. It has also taken away some my favorite activities but I learned, over time, to replace them with new ones. Kidney Disease wants to take over your life and if your not careful it will. 

The best day of my life with CKD was the day my best friend said she wanted to be my kidney donor. Although she had two young children she saw the need I had for a kidney. I remember sitting with her children trying to explain kidney transplant and everything we were about to go through. What amazes me the most was their attitude and their understanding of what was going on. Her young son said to me "Will this save you?" I said "We sure hope so" then he replied "Well then just do it." I remember my friend and I just breaking down and crying. It was so touching to have it put so simple. It was one of the most selfless acts one person could do for another. She will forever be one of the bravest persons I will ever know because she was willing to put her life on the line to save mine. Even though in the end I rejected the kidney I will never forget her actions. This was such a bitter~sweet time for the both of us. Now I find myself back looking for a kidney and maybe I will be blessed with another living donor or maybe not. So I wait.

Today I am waiting with 98,682 others who all need kidneys. All together there are 120,798 in the United States alone who need organ transplants. This is why we have such a dire need for organ donors. Waiting is the hardest part, never knowing if and when the phone will ring. The way I've dealt with waiting is to not think about it. I just deal with the day to day. I do all I can to keep healthy and stick with my dialysis, renal diet. This is why the National Donor Sabbath means so much to me. It is yet another chance to raise awareness to cause that will one day hopefully save my life. My faith has helped me get through so much in dealing with kidney disease. The National Donor Sabbath is a weekend to celebrate, through faith, the need for organ donation and transplant. I hope each of you will take part this weekend. Even if only inspires you to sign up at Donate Life America to be an organ donor! Do it for me, Do it for the 120,798 waiting.

I want to thank you for joining me once again on this journey. I look forward to hearing what the National Donor Sabbath means to you. I also look forward to your comments, questions, or concerns.

Keep on fighting, you Kidney Warriors! 

~Kidney Blogger

1 comment:

  1. Dear Amy, So sorry I accidentally deleted your comment if you would like to know more about my 15 year journey with CKD please feel free to start with the first blog post in June 2013 and happy reading. Enjoy! Thanks for the comment.
