Friday, October 18, 2013

All Things Kidney #5

One of the greatest joys in my life is my pets. The overwhelming love and friendship they provide is immeasurable. There is nothing like coming home after a long day to find your furry friend waiting at the door tailing wagging and genuinely excited to see you. They don't judge, they don't care how much money you have, they don't care what kind of car you drive all they care about it that your home to see them. They truly give unconditional love. My husband and I have three pets right now. We have two cats Gracie and Angel and one dog Dakota. It's funny how each has their own personality. Gracie is very independent and at times seems like the "grumpy cat"; she lets us know when she wants affection. Compared to younger cat Angel, who needs to be around us 24/7, she is the biggest cuddle bug. She will spend hours sleeping on our laps and is content to watch evening t.v. while sitting on the heating pad to stay warm. Then there is Dakota, a.k.a. Koda bear, our 108 pound yellow lab. He is the love of my life. He has been through so much with us. He is my companion and my protector. 

 *Our kitties Gracie (left) Angel (right) showing their sisterly love*

* Our Koda bear playing one of his favorite outdoor games Soccer*

It's good for the mind and the soul to have a dog in your life. They are both stress relieving and blood pressure reducing. Yes owning a dog can help lower blood pressure and heart rate, there's something about the action of petting your dog has been proven to lower blood pressure. They also can lead to a happier life and help fight depression. It's hard to be depressed when looking in the eyes of a dog. Dogs help lead to a healthier life overall as they help provide exercise due their need for walks and countless play sessions throughout the day. They also lead to better social lives most people trust strangers who are walking a dog and are more willing to approach them on the street. They are the best ice breakers. It's also proven that children who grow up in homes with pets grow up to be healthier adults and  are less likely to have allergies. Finally, you can't ask for a better companion. I don't want to short change cats in all this they are proven to have many of the same benefits of owning a dog. So which ever you choose it will improve your life! 

For me owning pets through out my chronic illness has been lifesaving. On bad days they know it and are content to do nothing but lie in bed with me. On good days Dakota knows it's o.k. to grab his soccer ball and run around like a maniac. Pets are so intuned into your mood and emotion its like they read your mind. I can't imagine my life without them. They have helped me to stay positive even in the darkest of times. So if you want a happier, healthier, and more social life than get yourself a dog or cat.

I hope you enjoyed this edition of All Things Kidney and see the benefits of owning a pet. I look forward to your comments, questions or concerns. 

Keep on fighting, you Kidney Warriors!

~Kidney Blogger


  1. Its s true - our wonderful pets can really brighten our days. Great post !

  2. Yes Kathe our pets are truly amazing and such good companions! I don't know what I would do without my three.
